Germany Increased Part Time Work Hours for International Students Which Will Make it a Favoured Study Destination for Indian Students
Germany continues to provide flexibility and new measures to attract the best foreign talent to join the workforce in Germany at the core of its ambitions. As per new Rules enforced on 01-March-2024, the new skilled immigration act aims to increase the work hours of current students to 20 hours per week, from the previous 10 hours per week. To add to this, it is also valid for students who have not joined any university and are still in the phase of their language training or other preparatory studies.
These measures have multiple positive effects on Germany as a study destination. International Students now consider Germany as a lucrative Study Abroad destination. Those planning their lives in Germany also find it easier to adapt to the German Labour Market. This integrates German Universities with the labour market and help Germany to fill out the gamp of shortage for labour
The government bodies have also initiated several initiatives for the integration of international students into the labour market and to attract the migration of workforce from another country to Germany. Generous amount of funding has been allocated from the federal government for these initiatives.
Germany had around 367000 students reported for year 2022-23 of foreign origin with India and China being the dominant sending markets. The gross enrolment of international students in Germany for year 2022-2023 was up by 5% compared to previous year.