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Canada Declared Final Cap Allocation Among All Provinces and Territories with Expected Visa Approval Rate of 53%

May 24, 2024
Canada Declared Final Cap Allocation Among All Provinces and Territories with Expected Visa Approval Rate of 53%

Germany Increased Part Time Work Hours for International Students Which Will Make it a Favoured Study Destination for Indian Students

May 24, 2024
Germany Increased Part Time Work Hours for International Students Which Will Make it a Favoured Study Destination for Indian Students

Malaysia Starts New Post Study Visa Option for International Students

May 24, 2024
Malaysia Starts New Post Study Visa Option for International Students

Australian Has Cracked Down the Visa Grant for International Students which leads to Loss of Approx Rs. 80000 for Indian Students

May 24, 2024
Australian Has Cracked Down the Visa Grant for International Students which leads to Loss of Approx Rs. 80000 for Indian Students

Canada Provides Important Update for Requirement of Provincial Attestation Letter and Limiting PGWP for Students of PPP Colleges

May 24, 2024
Canada Provides Important Update for Requirement of Provincial Attestation Letter and Limiting PGWP for Students of PPP Colleges

Canada Hits Record Numbers for International Students in 2023 and Now Moving to a New Direction in 2024

May 24, 2024
Canada Hits Record Numbers for International Students in 2023 and Now Moving to a New Direction in 2024

Germany Encouraging International Students to Come and Find a Place for Professional Career in Germany

May 23, 2024
Germany Encouraging International Students to Come and Find a Place for Professional Career in Germany

Enrolment of International Students in USA Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level in 2022-2023 with Historical Increase of 35% from India

May 23, 2024
Enrolment of International Students in USA Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level in 2022-2023 with Historical Increase of 35% from India

Spending of Indian Students for Overseas Education will Touch US$ 70 Billion By 2025

April 23, 2024
Spending of Indian Students for Overseas Education will Touch US$ 70 Billion By 2025

Canadian Institutions Need to Verify All Admission Letters with IRCC

April 23, 2024
Canadian Institutions Need to Verify All Admission Letters with IRCC

International Enrolment in USA Graduate Programs has Increased Remarkably

April 23, 2024
International Enrolment in USA Graduate Programs has Increased Remarkably

Germany is on the Top as a Preferred Destination for International Students

April 23, 2024
Germany is on the Top as a Preferred Destination for International Students

Ireland’s Foreign Student Enrolments is on Upward Swing, and Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level

April 23, 2024
Ireland’s Foreign Student Enrolments is on Upward Swing, and Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level

Spending of Indian Students for Overseas Education will Touch US$ 70 Billion By 2025

April 23, 2024
An estimated US$47 billion was spent directly on education abroad by Indian students by 2022. Based on current growth rates, it is estimated that by 2025, the total amount spent on Tuition Fees along with Housing and other Living Expenditures could reach up to US$70 billion.
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Enrolment of International Students in USA Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level in 2022-2023 with Historical Increase of 35% from India

May 23, 2024
The Open Doors® 2023 Report on International Educational Exchange, released by the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education (IIE), shows that the number of International Students enrolled in US higher education institutions in 2022–2023 exceeded one million and raised year-over-year by 12% – the fastest rate of growth in the past forty years. India and China Remain the 2 major sending markets, while China’s year on Year growth rate has flattened India is still going strong. Furthermore, the number of international students enrolled in all academic levels rose in 2022–2023, a feat last accomplished in 2014–2015.

International Enrolment in USA Graduate Programs has Increased Remarkably

April 23, 2024
In contrast to a 4.7% reduction in domestic commencements, international commencements increased by 10.2% between 2021 and 2022, according to the Council of Graduate Schools' Graduate Enrolment and Degrees : 2012 to 2022 report. Apart from Engineering, the enrolment of new international students increased by 10.3% in physical & earth sciences, 16.6% in biological & agricultural sciences, and 16.6% in mathematics & computer sciences.

Canada Declared Final Cap Allocation Among All Provinces and Territories with Expected Visa Approval Rate of 53%

May 24, 2024
Canadian Government had earlier stated that it would cut down on the Study Permit Applications for 2024 and 2025 to maintain the quality of international students. This also resulted in provincial rationing of seats, and as expected public universities have benefited in Ontario and British Columbia, while Language training colleges and partnership colleges have been the hardest hit.

Canada Provides Important Update for Requirement of Provincial Attestation Letter and Limiting PGWP for Students of PPP Colleges

May 24, 2024
According to the announcement of last 05-Dec-2024 by IRCC, "the majority of new post-secondary international students at the college or undergraduate level must provide a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) with their Study Permit Application" starting at 8:30 am ET on 22-January-2024. It also states unequivocally that IRCC "; will return any Study Permit Application received that does not include a PAL, unless otherwise exempt," as from that effective date.

Canada Hits Record Numbers for International Students in 2023 and Now Moving to a New Direction in 2024

May 24, 2024
There were more than a million students in Canada with active student visa in 2023. It was a record number of students in Canada since Data existed. It is an increase of roughly 30% from 2022 as per IRCC. Canada is hosting as many international students as the USA currently, despite the US being 9 times the size of Canada.

Canadian Institutions Need to Verify All Admission Letters with IRCC

April 23, 2024
Commencing on December 1, 2023, post-secondary designated learning institutes (DLI) shall verify each applicant's acceptance letter with IRCC directly. With the help of this improved verification process, prospective students should be shielded from the dangers of letter-of-acceptance fraud and should not experience the same issues that some students did earlier this year. Additionally, it will guarantee that only legitimate letters of acceptance will be used to grant Study Permits.

Australian Has Cracked Down the Visa Grant for International Students which leads to Loss of Approx Rs. 80000 for Indian Students

May 24, 2024
Australia has cracked down the Visa Grant for International Students as it aims to reduce the level of migration down under its new migration regime. Due to the new migration laws a lot of visas have been refused, slow visa processing for Level 3 universities to check the authenticity of the student and the institution.
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Ireland’s Foreign Student Enrolments is on Upward Swing, and Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level

April 23, 2024
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Ireland’s Foreign Student Enrolments is on Upward Swing, and Crossed Pre-Pandemic Level

April 23, 2024
Ireland has recorded great numbers in terms of foreign enrollments which brings it up to speed with pre pandemic numbers and even better it. Ireland recorded 35,140 international students in the academic year 2022/2023 which also accounts for 11% annual growth and at the same time beats the pre-pandemic numbers.

Germany Increased Part Time Work Hours for International Students Which Will Make it a Favoured Study Destination for Indian Students

May 24, 2024
Germany continues to provide flexibility and new measures to attract the best foreign talent to join the workforce in Germany at the core of its ambitions. As per new Rules enforced on 01-March-2024, the new skilled immigration act aims to increase the work hours of current students to 20 hours per week, from the previous 10 hours per week.

Germany Encouraging International Students to Come and Find a Place for Professional Career in Germany

May 23, 2024
In recent times where countries like Canada, UK and Australia are tightening the screw on foreign student enrolments, Germany is looking for students and professionals who can light up the economy and the labour market, taking the country forward. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD) have launched fresh initiatives to lure students to come and Study in Germany, and settle down in the workforce later with skills coming to the core. Germany is already a popular Education destination with 370000 International students currently studying there.

Germany is on the Top as a Preferred Destination for International Students

April 23, 2024
When we think of foreign education in India, we immediately think of countries like Canada, US and UK. Germany is not always on our mind but a fair chunk of students are going to Germany for further studies. Germany faces largest influx of students from China, India, Syria, Austria and Turkey.
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Malaysia Starts New Post Study Visa Option for International Students

May 24, 2024
Malaysia has changed its visa policies drastically to make it easier for visitors and students in particular, effective from December 1, 2023. Under the Visa Liberalization Plan, there is an exemption of 30 days for visitors from India and China, for the time period they can also enter and exit the country multiple times through a ‘multiple entry mechanism’. The visitor visa is also now validup to 6 months, which was earlier 3 months.
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